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Flutter Community: Where Do Flutter Enthusiasts Gather Information

Thu.03.12.2020 BY Admin
Flutter Community

None of the existing languages or frameworks can survive and evolve without a community. The team behind Flutter is open and their online presence evokes confidence and trust. This article brings just a carefully curated list of several major sources of Flutter information that allow Flutter developers to keep up-to-date, or to encourage anyone interested in building apps with this SDK.


Flutter Dev is an official website of the Flutter framework and the first stop for somebody just entering the world of Flutter development. This is a place where you can find announcements and tech support. It is used mainly by core Flutter devs and professional developers.


With more than 118K followers, Flutter’s Twitter profile has become an indispensable, extremely popular source of official Flutter content and postings. The Flutter hashtag leads you to various discussions on the subject, which is especially useful when new features are rolled out.

Another Twitter profile that is intertwined with @FlutterDev is @googledevs that has a massive following of 2.3 million.


The flutter tag on Stack Overflow has more than 69,000 questions. If you search Google for any Flutter related question, there is a huge possibility that you will end up on StackOverflow. The Q&A and rating system lead you through the journey of finding the right answers. Highly upvoted answers usually contain code that you can easily copy and past into your project.


Reddit is the first website that comes to mind when we think about forums. It is used by content creators for announcements, discussions, and articles.
/r/flutterdev has amassed a huge number of Flutter Devs 56.9k.


Pub.dev is the official website for sharing Flutter packages. Main categories include Flutter Favorites, Most popular packages, Top Flutter packages, and Top Dart packages. Every package available on this website comes with a rating widget. This feature gives you an insight into how well the package is maintained and its rank.


Gitter is a chat and networking platform for developers and users of GitLab and GitHub repositories. One of the main advantages of using Gitter for Flutter questions is the fact that the majority of questions get answered fast.


The growth of the Flutter community can be measured with the help of numerous indicators. One might be the number of stars on GitHub, and this number is currently 109k stars. Flutter has 33 available repositories on GitHub.


Medium is an online publishing platform rolled out in 2012. Medium is a fantastic source of articles and stories from the Flutter community.


Last but not least, we have Flutter’s Facebook groups. Two main groups are Flutter Developers (115K members) and Flutter community (52K members).


When the Flutter framework was initially released, one of the main disadvantages emphasized about this SDK was its young, yet to develop community. During the last two years, the Flutter community has grown exponentially and over 100,000 apps were shipped to millions of devices. Taking into account that this framework has come out of Google’s kitchen, Flutter is a framework that has a future and a huge team of developers working tirelessly to improve the existing app development solution.

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