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15 Commonly Used Packages and Plugins in Flutter

Thu.10.12.2020 BY Admin
Top 15 Flutter Packages

This article brings you a list of 15 extremely popular and widely used Flutter packages that can make your life as a Flutter developer much easier.

#1 path_provider

As the name suggests, Path Provider is a very useful library used when we need to locate a file on the Android or iOS file system.

Works on: iOS, Android, Linux, macOS

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#2 shared_preferences

SharedPreferences is a plugin that allows you to store a small amount of data like int, double, or string value in the local memory.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#3 rxdart

RxDart is a reactive functional programming library for Dart language. This package is very useful for working with streams of data that change over time.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#4 url_launcher

This is a plugin that helps in opening a given URL through predefined schemes and performs miscellaneous functions from it in a mobile application.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#5 package_info

Package Info is a Flutter plugin that is used when it is necessary to fetch the application version and other related information. It works on both Android and iOS.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#6 local_auth

This package helps us to implement local biometric authentication (such as fingerprint APIs for Android and Touch ID APIs for iOS) on the user’s device. It supports 2 types of biometric authentication - face biometric authentication and fingerprint biometric authentication. The plugin is extremely valuable when it comes to securing the app and its data, and it works both on Android and iOS.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#7 intro_slider

Flutter Intro Slider is a plugin whose main purpose is to help you make intro screens to show the core features of your app. This package offers you a choice of numerous patterns and animations.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#8 cached_network_image

Cached Network Image is a package that allows you to download, show, and cache images from the internet. It uses SQFlite for cache management and it can also be used with placeholders and error widgets.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#9 bloc_pattern

Bloc Pattern is a Flutter widget that simplifies the implementation of the Business Logic Component design pattern by Dependency Injection in your project.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#10 SQFlite

SQFlite is the SQLite plugin for Flutter. Some of its features are automatic version management, support for transactions and batches, operation execution in the background thread on iOS and Android to prevent the UI from locking up, etc.

Works on: iOS, Android, macOS

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#11 google_maps_flutter

Simply put, this is a Flutter plugin for integrating Google Maps in iOS and Android applications.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#12 webview_flutter

WebView is a Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#13 firebase_auth

Firebase Auth is a Flutter plugin that uses Firebase Authentication API.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#14 Intl

Intl is an abbreviation for internationalization and localization. This is one of the most important Flutter packages as it contains code that deals with internationalized/localized messages, bi-directional text, date and number formatting and parsing, and other internationalization issues.

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

#15 http

This Flutter package contains a set of high-level functions and classes that make it easy to consume HTTP resources. This package supports desktop, mobile, and browser.

Works on: Android, iOS, Web

For more information about the package, visit pub.dev.

Where to find other Flutter packages?

Go to pub.dev, and discover an array of Flutter packages that can alleviate your Flutter app development. They are organized across the following sections - Flutter Favorites, Most popular packages (in the last 60 days), Top Flutter packages, and Top Dart packages.

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